- Thermal Energy Storage for On-demand Solar Trigeneration "TES4Trig". Project in the framework of the 1st Cofund Joint Call CSP-ERANET, supported by funding from the European Union‘s HORIZON 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Total Budget : 1.356.270€, Duration : 30 months
- Development of the “ARCHIMEDES” Concentrating Solar Research Infrastructure (RI) for the production and storage of medium-temperature thermal energy. Budget: 802.630€. RI included in the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures (GSRT, 2014), funded within the Project «PROMETHEUS : A Research Infrastructure for the Integrated Energy Chain», under Action “Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure” of NSRF 2014-2020. Duration : 36 months.
- Desalination by Solar Powered Membrane Distillation: Material and Process Optimization (SolMeD) Budget: 250.000€ Action Aristeia II (Funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National Resources). Duration : 18 months
- Linear-focus concentrating solar collector based on a novel receiver - Development and demonstration (COLNOVREC), Bilateral R&D Cooperation between Greece and China 2012-2014. Budget: 160.000 € Transnational Greece - China (ESPA& Private participation). Duration : 3 years (2012-2015)
- Procedures for the certification of performance of large custom-made solar thermal systems, with particular emphasis on the modelling tools - SK-LCMSTS (ESTIF). Budget: 8.000 € (100% from ESTIF). Duration : 1 year
- Estimation of uncertainty of determined collector and system performance - SCF-UNCERT (ESTIF). Budget: 11.700 € (100% from ESTIF). Duration : 6 months
- New High-Eficiency Thermal Solar System . Budget: 25.000 €Theochalko (Cyprus). Duration : 1 year
- Provision of Specialized Scientific and Technological Services and Products. Budget: 500.000 €. Duration : 12 years (2003-2015)
- Quality Assurance in solar thermal heating and cooling technology – keeping track with recent and upcoming developments – QAiST (Intelligent Energy - Europe). Budget: 1.892.000 € (75% from EU). Duration: 3 years (2009-2012)
- Integration of solar thermals in buildings ( Community Support Framework - Joint ventures for research and technological development in areas of national priority). Budget: 293.000 €(75% from EU). Du ration: 3 years (2003-06)
- Accredited testing services and optimization of RES products (Development of research centres with user involvement. Support laboratories collaborating with businesses and research users - Community Support Framework – AKMON). Budget: 452 . 58 0 €(75% from EU). Duration: 3 years (2003-06)
- Solar Keymark II ( INTELLIGENT ENERGY – EUROPE). Budget: 47 . 16 0 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (2006-08)
- Autonomous, Low Visual Impact Solar Hot Water System ( TUNISIA- GREECE JOINT R&D PROGRAMMES 2006 – 2008). Budget: 15 . 74 0 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (2006-08)
- Solar air-heaters for mechanical drying facilities ( CHINA - GREECE JOINT R & T PROGRAMMES 2004 – 2006). Budget: 11 . 74 0 €(75% from EU). Duration: 2 years (2005-07)
- Optimization of agricultural-product dryers utilizing solar energy ( PENED - Reinforcement Program of Human Research Manpower). Budget: 43 . 758 €(% from EU). Duration: 3 years (2005-08)
- New Generation of Solar Thermal Systems - NEGST (INTELLIGENT ENERGY – EUROPE). Budget: 30 . 720 €(% from EU). Duration: 3 years (2004-07)
- Solar system for the cogeneration of light, electricity, heating & cooling - TRITON ( COMMUNITY SUPPORT FRAMEWORK: Joint ventures for research and technological development in areas of national priority). Budget: 50 . 000 €(% from EU). Duration : 4 years (2003 – 2007)
- Autonomous desalination system concepts -ADIRA (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership - MEDA - Regional Program for Local Water Management).Budget:240.255 €(% from EU). Duration: 4 years (2003-07)
- Air heater using Dewar-Flask Evacuated-Tube Solar Collectors ( CHINA - GREECE JOINT R & T PROGRAMMES 2003 – 2005). Budget: 12 . 327 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (2003-05)
- Evacuated-Tube Solar Collector ( Community Support Framework - PAVET). Budget: 29 . 300 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (2001-03)
- Demonstrating the Efficiency of Solar Space Heating and Cooling in Buildings - DESSHC (ENERGY). Budget: 42 . 500 €(% from EU). Duration: 3 years (200 0 -03)
- Drying of Agricultural Products (LEADER).Budget: 82 . 170 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (1998-2000)
- New Heat-Pipe-Type Solar System ( Community Support Framework – PAVE). Budget: 21 . 180 €(% from EU). Duration: 2 years (1998-2000)
- Laboratory Infrastructure ( Community Support Framework – EPV). Budget: 1.907.560 €(% from EU). Duration: 6 years (1995-2001)
- Kinetic Drying of Agricultural Products & Dryer Design Optimization ( Community Support Framework – YPER). Budget: 42 . 260 €(% from EU). Duration: 3 years (1998-01)
- Development of an Agricultural Product Drying Facility – Optimal Design Criteria (PENED ‘95). Budget: ~12 MDRA Duration: 3 years (1996-1998)
- Development of laboratory infrastructure and procedures for quality testing of solar collectors and systems for the provision of test reports to third parts. Laboratory Quality Assurance System development according to EN 45001. Know-how creation and transfer, scientific information, technical help, scientific cooperation (Community Support Framework – PRISMA).Budget: 1.3 MECU (75% from EU). Duration:3 years (1991-1994)
- Development of an integrated system for agricultural applications - continuous operation dryer ( Community Support Framework - PAVE '91).Budget:43.95 MDRA (41% from Greek Ministry of Industry / GSRT). Duration:2 years (1992-1994)
- Development of a new type collector for the expansion of solar energy applications ( Community Support Framework - PENED '91).Budget: 11.2 MDRA (50% from Greek Ministry of Industry / GSRT). Duration:2 years (1994-1995)
- Direct dryer of agricultural products of the static type with LPG (propane) fuel (THERMIE).Budget: 637.5 MECU (40% from E.U / DG XVIII). Duration:2 years (1995-1996)
- Project for a Hellenic Alternative Energy Thesaurus via a hypermedia online network - PHAETHON (ALTENER).Budget: 48 MDRA (50% from E.U / DG XVII). Duration: 2 years (1992-1994)
- To realize a thermo-solar device with spontaneous heat transport downwards (Telecommunications, Information Market & Exploitation of Research).Budget: 25 KECU (100% from E.U / T.I.M-E.R. / XIII). Duration:10 months (1993-1994)
- Compact central extensional solar heated systems (THERMIE). Budget: 195.6 MDRA (33% from E.U / DG XVII). Duration: 2 years (1992-1994)
- Development of laboratory infrastructure and procedures for testing of air conditioning units, thermal insulating materials, agricultural product dryers and batteries for the provision of test reports to third parts. Know-how creation and transfer, scientific information, technical help, scientific cooperation (II European Support Frame).Budget: 575 MDRA (60% from EU). Duration:3 years (1995 continuing)
- Bridging the gap - Research and experimental validation on the DST performance test method for solar domestic water heaters (STANDARDS, MEASUREMENTS & TESTING).Budget:483.348 KECU (50% from E.U / DG XII). Duration:32 months (1996-1999)
- Dissemination of a European design tool for large solar hot water systems and upgrading into a certified instrument for the Netherlands (ALTENER).Budget:255 KECU (50% from E.U / DG XVII). Duration: 18 months (1996-1998)