Visit of 2nd High School students of Cholargos

In the course of the pre-event for Researcher’s Night 2017 students of 2nd High School of Cholargos have visited the Laboratory on 27/09/2017. They were introduced to solar energy and the means of its utilization. In the picture below, visiting students from the 2st High School of Cholargos are shown.

Visit of secondary school students to the Laboratory

In the course of the pre-event for Researcher’s Night 2016 students of secondary schools from across Attiki have visited the Laboratory on 28/09/2016. They were introduced to solar energy, means of its utilization and the relevant research activities of the lab. In the picture below, visiting students from the 1st High School of Agia Paraskevi are shown, along with the Laboratory researcher Dr. E. Papanicolaou.

Visit of primary school students to the Laboratory (6th Elementary School of Orestiada)

In the course of their 3-day trip to Athens, which also included a visit to NCSR “Demokritos”, 28 students and 4 educators from the 6th Elementary School of Orestiada (a city of the Evros region, in Thrace, Northeastern Greece) visited the Laboratory on Friday, May 8th, 2015 and were informed about solar energy, means of its utilization and the relevant research activities of the Laboratory.
In the picture below, visiting students and their escorting teachers are shown, along with the Laboratory Director Dr. V. Belessiotis and Researcher Dr. E. Papanicolaou.